Your knowledge on self-defense will be most valuable when the grid goes down. When that day comes, your skills to protect yourself will ultimately come at par with your need for food and water. While having a gun may be considered most effective in defending yourself from an impending assault or attack, such may not always be possible as there are some states in the country that currently forbid firearms in homes. If you’re one of the unfortunate few whose area strictly impose private ownership of handguns, this list of the best non gun weapons for preppers is written just for you.

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Tactical Knife. In case of emergency, it is guttural instinct for homeowners to head off to the kitchen and grab a sharp pointed knife off the shelf. For forward-thinking survivalists and preppers, however, this does not just mean any knife. We’re talking about Swiss army knives, bladed K-bars, or tactical knives (like this Snake Eye Tactical Knife ) which can be easily folded and concealed in your pocket. In fact, knives can also be used to prepare game meat, shelter, and start a fire, too.
Snake Eye Tactical Knife
Pepper Spray. Don’t just think humans when it comes to surviving in the wild. Bears and other hungry predators will also be hot off your trail particularly when you’re wounded. A pepper spray which can be tucked right on your tactical belt or concealed in your breast pocket can conveniently defend you from attackers. For a few dollars, you can render an attacker in excruciating pain due to the inflammatory effect of its chemicals. Just like this Sabre Police Strength Red Pepper Gel .
Sabre Police Strength Red Pepper Gel
Stun Gun. Another effective non-violent weapon perfect for a doomsday scenario attack is a stun gun. Riot police in various states around the globe also uses stun guns to prevent bloody results. This is, by the way, an alternative to pepper spray and can work well even during windy, rainy or snowy condition. Think about electrocuting an attacker to prevent from mauling you.

Vipertek Rechargeable Stun Gun
Tactical Stick. Carrying a baseball bat can be too obvious, so why not carry a seemingly unobtrusive tactical stick. If you have a wooden or alloy-type walking cane, that will suffice. Tactical sticks like this one also comes with a paracord and can be used as support when injury happens.
Umbrella. Most homes have standby umbrellas for protection from rain or snow. Do you know that such a seemingly simple household stuff is an excellent alternative to a cane or tactical stick? Yes, particularly those with fiberglass or titanium alloy frame.
Scarves/Bandanas/Neckerchiefs. It’s definitely not just a fashion statement. A scarf, bandana or neckerchief is worn by scouts as a means of self-defense and for survival in case of injury. It can prevent profuse bleeding or cover a gash from microbial infestation. It can also strangle an attacker in the event of an assault. More so, it can double as a protection from the cold during rainy or winter season out in the wild.
Belt. You can use virtually any type of built in fending off an attack. A hard swing of the metal buckle can easily crack any hard-headed bastard wanting to do harm to you or a loved one. Some belts, however, like a paracord belt or a tactical one comes equipped with necessary equipment to be able to survive off-grid or to rescue an injured company.
Fairwin Tactical Belt
Tactical Pen. If you’ve watched spy movies, you’ll know precisely how ballpoint pens or even pencils can be used for self-defense. Tactical pens, on the other hand, are designed specifically to render injury to an assailant giving you plenty of time to escape apparent danger. This Sminiker Professional Defender Tactical Pen below also comes with a glass breaker useful in the event of being trapped inside a burning car or house.

Sminiker Professional Defender Tactical Pen
Keys. Don’t leave your car keys on your vehicle’s ignition as well as that of your home, in case there’s a need to vacate the place. Slip them into your pocket and convert them into your arsenal for self-defense. Keys are made of metal and can be used as push mini-daggers. To make it even more satisfying, hang it into a metal Kubaton keychain to double your defense system.

Doopootoo Black Metal Kubaton Keychain
Basically, you can use a lot of things lying around for your defense. The aforementioned list of the best non gun weapons for preppers, however, can help double the impact leading to more chances of keeping yourself safe and that of your loved ones protected. Do remember to enroll in self-defense class, too, as you yourself can be the best weapon in times of danger.

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